Scandinavian twenty-somethings
A Hedvig report on living, owning and becoming a grown-up.

Where does the remake of an old industry start? With the younger generation of course. In the beginning of Hedvig, 60 percent of our members were under the age of 30. In this report we want to put the spotlight on this group, sometimes referred to as Generation Z, and explore their ideas and values when it comes to living, owning and becoming a grown-up. The report is the result of a survey among 3000 Scandinavians between the ages 20-30.
Do you consider yourself being a grown-up?
According to Scandinavian twenty-somethings, you’re a grown-up when you are 27 years old. They also think that they will retire around the age of 66. A pretty short work life, especially if you consider recent studies from Stanford University saying that soon we will become 200 years old. Is this the generation that will be retired for 100 plus years?
Have you moved from home?
Scandinavians are the youngest in Europe to move away from home, which is also supported by our survey — 9 out of 10 of them have moved out from their parents. And the home is important. 6 out of 10 say that the home is the most valuable thing to them. While Norwegians and Swedes dream about owning their own place, Danes seem to more often live in rentals — and move less.
“If there was a fire in my apartment I would definitely try to save my plants.”
– A respondent to the survey
What is the most valuable to you?
In this generation, 9 out of 10 prefer to own their stuff. But it’s not particularly owning that is important, rather having access, and that usually means owning. When it comes to what they value most, digital content makes the top five list.
Thoughts about insurance
Oh yes, we did ask about insurance too. We’re an insurance company after all. 6 out 10 Scandinavian twenty-somethings think insurance is important, but 4 out of 10 also think it’s a hassle. Hedvig is here to change that.