Hedvig no longer offers new insurance in Norway

Unfortunately, we will no longer welcome new members to Hedvig in Norway as we will focus entirely on our home market Sweden going forward. This means that from 21 June 2023, it is no longer possible for Norwegians to sign a new insurance with Hedvig.

Since Hedvig is leaving the Norwegian market, we receive many questions from our members. We have therefore summarized the answers to the most common questions further down this page.

Information for current Hedvig members

If you are already a Hedvig member and need help with a claim, we are still here for you! You can reach us via the app or by email. You will also receive an email from us, informing you about this change.

Stay properly insured

You can keep your insurances at Hedvig until your renewal date. It is important to us that members have easy access to good insurance coverage going forward. Hedvig has therefore entered a collaboration with Gjensidige, which will give current members in Norway a good and convenient opportunity to stay properly insured.

Questions and answers

While our insurance experience has been highly appreciated and top rated in Norway, we will stop offering new insurances here as a consequence of a strategic decision to focus our development resources on our home market, Sweden.

It is important to us that members continue to have good coverage going forward. Hedvig has therefore entered into a collaboration with Gjensidige, which gives our current members in Norway easy access to continued insurance coverage.

No later than two weeks before your Hedvig insurance expires, Gjensidige will contact you and help you get the insurance(s) you need. Gjensidige will reach out to you by phone and email.

This assumes that you have given your consent to be contacted by Gjensidige in the renewal e-mail sent to you by Hedvig.

Yes, since Hedvig doesn’t have any binding time, you can choose to cancel your insurance whenever you like. You can contact Gjensidige already today and get help with setting up the insurance(s) you need.

You can find information about the end date of your insurance(s) in the Hedvig App. However, you are free to cancel your insurance(s) and switch to Gjensidige at any time, or sign new insurance(s) with any other insurance company.

If you have several insurances with us, you will receive a cancellation email no later than 60 days before the end date of each insurance. Please note that you might have different end dates for each insurance. As mentioned, you will find your end date of each insurance in the Hedvig App and are free to cancel all your insurances at any time.

No, you will not be able to make any changes. But you are free to cancel your insurance at any time.

Your last payment will be on the 27th the same month your insurance expires or is canceled by you.

Our Norwegian-speaking service team will be available and take care of your claims as usual. You report your claim in the app but can also contact us by e-mail. As a member, you still have the right to report a claim that occurred during your contract period in accordance with the insurance terms. Hedvig will of course take care of incoming claims during this period in a responsible manner.

Any ongoing claims will be handled by us at Hedvig in the same way they have always been, even if you decide to cancel your insurance today.

You decide if you want to stay with Hedvig until your insurance expires, or contact Gjensidige already today and switch to the insurance(s) you need.

You can of course switch to any insurance company you prefer. In that case, we want to remind you to sign new insurance in good time before your insurance at Hedvig expires, to not risk being uninsured. You'll find your end date in the Hedvig App.

You are welcome to contact us in the app or by e-mail.