Insurance for big and small problems

Our insurances


For you who rent a home


For you who own your home


Insurance at student price


Protection for your house


Safety in case of accident


Flexible without binding time


For you and your dog


For you and your cat

4.1 of 5

Shows the average of 9 573 reviews from our customers. Anyone who's had a claim is invited by email to leave a review. Read more

Digital insurance. Personal service.

Tjej ligger och kollar på telefonen i sin säng

Easy claims reporting

Report your claim with one click and receive fast help from our service team.

How claims works
Hedvig app-ikon med notifikation

Everything in the Hedvig app

Get compensation, ask a question or make changes directly in the app.

Green chair in living room

How is Hedvig different?

Ease to use, digital convenience and no lock-in period. That's how Hedvig makes insurance easier in Sweden.

About Hedvig
Two hands holding up phone with insurance app.

Need help signing insurance?

Call 010-45 99 200, weekdays 9-16

En kvinna och en man flyttar in möbler i en lägenhet
Home Insurance

For your apartment or house

Hund ligger i en svart fåtölj.
Pet Insurance

For your dog or cat

Två personer bakom öppen motorhuv på en svart, trasig bil
Car Insurance

Safety without binding time